This campaign was organized in Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia to raise awareness of blood donation during the shortage of bloodstock crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic in 2021 – the rising demands of patients who needed operation and required blood transfusion contrasted to the lower rate of blood donors from new normal behavior. The details of the activity were slightly different by country, as described below.
- Thailand: The campaign was held from 7 – 28 February 2022. For every blood donation, the Company donated an additional THB 1,000 to the National Blood Centre, Thai Red Cross Society. A total of 3,966 voluntary blood donors participated in the campaign, which has the potential to save up to 11,000 patients (one blood donation can be transfused to up to three needed patients). The total donation raised during the campaign amounted to THB 3,966,000.
- Singapore and Malaysia: The campaign was held from 6 – 22 May 2022, with 480 gamers voluntarily donating blood. The Company showed appreciation by offering gaming items to the gamers and additionally donated SGD 22,000 to the Singapore Red Cross Society, which is approximately THB 559,000.