The Company recognizes the significance of building sustainable business growth under good corporate governance practices, responsibilities toward shareholders’ benefits and accountability to stakeholders, society, and environment. The Company is also determined to be an anti-corruption role model for society. The work has been carried out in 3 dimensions as follows:

We are dedicated to generating sustainable returns through the implementation of effective corporate governance practices and ensuring accountability to all stakeholders.

The Company adheres to its commitment to operate its business with principles of human rights. Particularly, the Company’s stakeholders shall receive equitable and fair treatment. Principles and guidelines for the treatment of employees, human resource development, safety, occupational health, working environment, and Corporate Social Responsibility.

Even though the nature of the Company’s business does not directly impact the environment, the Company always takes this matter into consideration and emphasizes pollution prevention measures or any other issues that may affect the environment. Consequently, the Company establishes guidelines for pollution prevention and mitigation. For instance, the utilization of Information Technology in the workplace reduces paper consumption and supports the procurement of environmentally friendly products for business operations.