7th Gamer Love Dad

DATE : October 4, 2012

gamers love dad7

Embarking on its 7th year, Gamers Love Dad continues to stand as a meaningful endeavor where gamers convey their emotions towards their fathers through diverse activities orchestrated by Asiasoft. These include in-game engagements that provide avenues for friends to express paternal love, as well as the option to purchase Love Dad items, allowing Asiasoft to act as a conduit for contributing funds to projects under the Royal Patronage of His Majesty the King. This serves as a demonstration of reverence for His Majesty, culminating in a cumulative sum of Baht 40,503,786 over the past 6 years.

A heartfelt gratitude extends to all gamers who have participated, underscoring the potent expression of paternal affection. By investing in items from the extensive repertoire of 27 games within the Gamers Love Dad Year 7 project, aptly titled “Do Good Things for Dad,” you have collectively sowed the seeds of dreams for our children’s future. Upon aggregating the total donations and item purchases across the renowned games within the Asiasoft group, the combined sum has reached Baht 9.7 million.

The company proudly presents the entirety of these contributions, without any deductions, to venerable foundations under royal patronage and those aligned with youth and educational causes. Beneficiary institutions encompass the Chaipattana Foundation, Anandamahidol Foundation, Phra Dabos Foundation, Rajaprachanukroh Foundation, Distance Learning Foundation under Royal Patronage, and the Thai Junior Thai Encyclopedia Foundation. Your contributions not only resonate with the values of youth and education but also exemplify your dedication to shaping a brighter future for generations to come.