5th Gamer Love Dad

DATE : October 4, 2010

gamers love dad5

Asiasoft Corporation Public Company Limited launched Gamers Love Dad Year 5 under the concept of “Together More Power” from December 1 to 31, 2010, allowing gamers to show their loyalty on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of December birthday.

Gamers Love Dad Year 5, with the theme “Together More Power,” marked the continuation of the CSR Project, one of the social initiatives held for the fifth consecutive year. This served as a platform to demonstrate loyalty to His Majesty the King and express affection for the fathers of gamers.

The total income, without deducting any expenses, was presented to His Majesty the King by His Royal Highness through the Royal Division Office of the Royal Secretariat. This noble contribution supported organizations such as the Chaipattana Foundation, Anandamahidol Foundation, Rajaprachanukroh Foundation, Phra Dabos Foundation, Distance Learning Foundation under Royal Patronage, and the Thai Junior Thai Encyclopedia Foundation.

Furthermore, contributions were made to foundations dedicated to the well-being of youth, including the Foundation for Children and Youth, the Foundation for a Better Life for Children, the Thairath Foundation, the Bangkok Post Foundation, and the Thansettakij Foundation. These efforts aimed to advance education and cultivate the youth who represent the future of the nation.