TLBB new server received rousing support from players!

DATE : December 15, 2022

New TLBB server ‘Dao Feng Po Xiao’ was released on 3rd November 2022 to rousing support from players old and new. Even before the server was released, pre-registration was up by a whopping 25% from the previous new server release. It also managed to achieve double the number of daily active users as compared to previous releases! The high popularity of this new server was due to the launch of the 14th new class, ‘Jue Qing Gu’, along with new and enhanced systems which target both leisure and hardcore PK users. Even after 3 weeks, the popularity of the new server shows no signs of abating.

In 2023, PlayPark is confident that they can sustain the good performance of TLBB through launch of new contents and play-style to the players, so be sure to keep a lookout for TLBB!